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Here’s How to Throw a Gorgeous (and Affordable) Backyard Wedding

If you’re currently in the process of planning a summer wedding and you’ve been on the fence about whether to have a backyard wedding or not, we’re hoping that this five-minute read (give or take a couple of minutes) will give you just the nudge that you need to give it some serious thought and consideration. Not only are backyard weddings beautiful but, done right, they can also save you and yours pockets-full of cash.

6 Awesome Ways You Can Save Money on Your Wedding Day Attire

If you hopped onto your favorite search engine and put “tips for saving on a wedding”, there’s no doubt that you’ll find loads of links. What you may have a hard time finding are specific ways to save money on you and your wedding party’s wedding...

6 Ways to Make the Day of Your Wedding Run Smoothly

Every bride wants a perfect wedding day. All of the months (sometimes even years) of planning is about making sure that each detail happens just as planned. Matter of fact, the only thing that a bride wants more than for all of her dreams to be flawlessly executed is for the day to run as smoothly as possible...

6 Ways to Make Your Wedding Reception UNFORGETTABLE!

We once saw a news story where the interviewer stood outside of wedding ceremonies and asked the guests what they remembered immediately following. Most of them didn’t remember the colors that the bridal party wore or what kind of flowers the bouquets were made out of. What they did remember, though, was how the ceremony made them feel...

5 Ways to Keep the Stress-Levels Down While Planning Your Wedding

Any married couple who claims that planning their wedding didn’t come with some level of stress, send them our way so that we can interview them personally! Between the lack of sleep, the borage of calls from vendors and trying to keep both sides of your family happy as you plan your (emphasis on “your”) special day, anxiety and uneasiness have a way of creeping up on both you and yours...

5 Reasons Why You DEFINITELY Need to Hire a Wedding Planner

Picture this. You have a wedding date at a really romantic banquet hall in Los Angeles. You know what kind of gown you want to wear and who you want to ask to be in your wedding party. That’s great. Three details down, 100,000 (give or take a thousand) to go! ...

8 Of Our Absolute Favorite 2018 Wedding Trends!

Weddings are exciting all on their own! But when it’s a new year and you’re planning one in the upcoming months, it’s always fun to check out what some of the latest and hottest wedding (reception and honeymoon) trends are...

5 Tips for Planning Your Wedding (Without Losing Your Mind!)

Although getting engaged is one of the best times of a couple’s life, there is one main reason why the wedding planning process tends to lean towards to stressful side. Guess what the average cost of a wedding is? Close to a whopping $26,000! Whew, just thinking about it brings a bead of sweat to our brow!...